
Herald Square Cab Accident

Herald Square Cab Accident

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On December 25, 2024, a taxi driver in Herald Square reportedly suffered a medical episode, and his car jumped the curb, striking and injuring six people. All those injured were ultimately reported to be in stable condition (a minor miracle on 34th Street given the crowds in the area). I happened to be a block away and captured these images perhaps two minutes after it happened, before and as first responders arrived. No single image stood out or fully captured the scene, but together the four images included in this mini photo-essay illustrate what happened in the immediate aftermath.

Clockwise from the top left:

– The driver of the cab stays in the car as he’s berated by a crowd. Later, one agitated man approached the cab and broke a window.

– Victims on the ground; family members and others attempt to care for and comfort them.

– Policemen, firemen, and eventually (after what felt like an interminably long time for the heart of Manhattan) EMS arrive to attend to and transport the victims. The cab’s front fascia sits to the right while the cab remains parked to the left.

– First responders quickly whisk the victims away and then depart. The corner is nearly normal just a couple hours later.

Note that the EXIF data is for the first image in the set.

One more image to come that I think best stands alone and merits its own post.

Nrbelex , 2024-12-27 00:56:21

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