
Whitman divination πŸ’š

Whitman divination πŸ’š

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I replaced contempt with curiosity, I came to see it simply as a coping mechanism for the difficulty of living with all this uncertainty, the difficulty of being so opaque to ourselves β€” a language for interpreting our intentions and experiences, the way the primary purpose of prayer is to clarify our hopes and fears.

I am not impervious to such practices myself β€” each year on my birthday, I perform a β€œWhitman divination”: I conjure up the most restless question on my mind, open Leaves of Grass with my eyes closed, and let my blind finger fall on a verse; without fail, Whitman opens some profound side door to my question that becomes its own answer, one inaccessible to the analytical mind.

encounter each other at the outer edge of desire
with: almost hopeless
mercy and a reservoir
of mutual respect
every constant for a single sunbeam of wonder a golden reflection of a larger’ life in the pure stream
of the possible
Treat blue
almanacof birds.org

the great power of love is to double the agonies of change in order to discover
in each other a greater velocity of being a current of amazement propelled by almost terrifying
tenderness and ease

there exists
permanent but the naked now dependent upon a, ferocity of trust in the confusion of changes
and the size lot time

only when you
own with tenderness
every aspect of your undulating feelings
can time become not a prison but a shelter for the great charity of time
is that feelings change and , the only, godlike power of a human being o
is the power of changing

Maria Popova

Tatyana_v_727_ , 2024-07-28 21:36:37

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