Andrew Garfield, the flirtiest man alive, is off the market. The actor was spotted in Malibu over the weekend holding hands with a woman named Kate Tomas, a self-described “philosopher and spiritual mentor.” The couple was papped leaving a restaurant with Phoebe Bridgers and Bo Burnham, a double date that is sure to light certain corners of the internet ablaze.
Garfield has not been romantically linked to someone since 2022, when he and model Alyssa Miller broke up, but then didn’t, but then definitely did. That’s all in the past, though. We’re talking about Tomas now, and she is one interesting woman. According to her website, Tomas got both her master’s in Philosophy of Religion and her doctorate in Philosophical Theology from Oxford. In case you’re curious, her doctoral thesis was called “The Actively Abjected: A Hermeneutics of Empowerment in Christian Mysticism.” A hot, sensitive actor dating a brunette scholar who uses the word hermeneutics? I’m ringing the rom-com alarm.
How did these two meet? Well, I know just as much as you do. One of my colleagues said that they “reek of Raya match.” That’s definitely a good guess. But I have two more options for us to consider: Tomas also works as a consultant for, as she puts it, “TV or film projects that really excite me.” Maybe they met on set? Or maybe a mutual entertainment-industry pal hooked them up? That’s option No. 1.
Option No. 2 is that Garfield started as a client of Tomas’s and they fell for each other romantically. Perhaps he bought one of her “sacred, powerful, true magickal talismans made from vintage gold” ($895) and felt that he needed to know the woman behind the magic. Or maybe he booked an in-depth reading with her (£1,500) and sparks flew.
Whatever the case may be, I wish them well. I also hope that things don’t go south, because if I know one thing for certain it’s that Dr. Kate Tomas is definitely capable of putting a hex on Garfield.
By Olivia Craighead , 2024-04-01 21:27:31
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