
Blue’s Clues and You Has a New Mystery: Why Isn’t It on Paramount+ Anymore?

Photo: Nickelodeon

It’s time to play Blue’s Clues to figure out the mystery of the missing Nickelodeon shows from Paramount+. Thankfully, the pup has left us some clues to find out what happened. Our first clue? Twitter user NickAndMore! tweeted that nine shows were removed from the platform: Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2019), Big Nate, Blue’s Clues & You!, It’s Pony, Middlemost Post, Ollie’s Pack, Rugrats (2021), Ryan’s Mystery Playdate, Santiago of the Seas, and That Girl Lay Lay. Moving onto clue number two, others online began to notice Big Nate was gone as well, and if you add 1 to 9, that makes… pause for dramatic effect… at least 10 shows gone. Sources also sent a letter confirming to Vulture the shows have been removed. Our last clue leads us to the Nickelodeon website, where all the missing shows are MIA, too. Wait, I thought this game was supposed to be fun.

Well, there’s at least some good news. Most of the original series that the reboots were based on are still streaming on Paramount+, like AreYou Afraid of the Dark? (1992), Blue’s Clues (1996), and Rugrats (1991)— sorry Dil, the traumatizing banana sauce scene is alive and well. All hope is not totally lost. Max’s The Gordita Chroniclesfound a second life on Tubi this week after facing a similar fate in 2022, leading us to our next mystery: who will save the children’s shows? It’s time to keep an eye out for some more paw prints.

By Alejandra Gularte , 2024-03-29 03:54:53

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